
ACS Report Addresses Environmental Pollutants and Cancer Risk

The government has finally released a report on cancer risks from chemicals and other environmental hazards (the report is 240-pages long). Interesting to see what their recommendations are on what we can do ourselves to lower our risks:
  • 1. Protecting children by choosing foods, house and garden products, toys, medicines and medical tests that will minimize exposure to toxic substances.
  • 2. Filtering tap water, and storing water in stainless steel, glass or other containers to avoid exposure to BPA and other plastic components that some studies have linked to health problems.
  • 3. Buying produce grown without pesticides or chemical fertilizers, or washing it thoroughly to remove them.
  • 4. Buying meat free of antibiotics and added hormones, and avoiding processed, charred and well-done meat.
More on this at:                 http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/07/health/research/07cancer.html?hpw

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